Fashion and beauty experts excel in image consulting - ICBI

Image Consulting Business Institute

Fashion and beauty experts excel in image consulting

Fashion and beauty experts excel in image consulting

Although anyone with a strong desire and commitment to help change people’s lives can become an image consultant with the right education, training, and mentoring, Fashion and beauty professionals have an edge in moving towards fulfilling their personal, professional, and financial goals in the career of image consulting. The reasons for the same are as follows

People engaged or having past experience in these professions have a definite edge in making a successful career in image consulting. Grooming and clothes are very important elements of projecting a positive image. People engaged in the professions of fashion or beauty, have a basic idea about these elements and as a result can understand these elements better and faster. A fashion professional receives training in elements and principles of design and has background knowledge of artistic aspects of design on apparel and that is an important aspect of image consulting. Similarly a beauty professional deals with elements of grooming like hair, skin care and makeup. They, over a period of years, by experience develop a good sense of what looks good on which type of face etc. This is again an essential element of image management.

Both these professions also require dealing with various people with different variables in terms of body shapes, sizes, face shapes etc. and this gives them a good experience identifying the need and satisfying the same.

55% of the message that any one sends, which is the image of that person, is visual and nonverbal. Some of the key elements of visual communication are clothing and grooming. Having past exposure to these forms of communication is a big help in advising clients on how to project a positive, authentic and appropriate image. Since fashion and beauty professionals have dealt with these issues with numerous clients, they can have a good head start in the field of image consulting.

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