Conselle Institute of Image Management
Conselle Institute of Image Management, USA, is Judith Rasband’s Image Consulting Company. She is one of the senior-most Image Consultants in the world with over 40 years of international Image Consulting experience. The Image Consulting Curriculum of Conselle is the most exhaustive in the world. AICI, USA which is the oldest association in the world for this field also certifies Image Consultants based on a core competency framework developed by Judith Rasband. ICBI uses and builds on the curriculum of Conselle for its courses. All certificates of Image Consulting programs offered by ICBI are co-branded with Conselle as curriculum partner
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is the national accreditation and awarding body in Scotland. As an awarding body, SQA works with schools, colleges, universities, industry, and government, to provide high quality, flexible and relevant qualifications. Soft Skills Training programs offered by ICBI are accredited by SQA
Image Management Professionals’ Association
Image Management Professionals’ Association is the only professional body in this field in the Indian Sub-continent. ICBI is the founding member of this association. The role of IMPA is to regulate, educate, promote and facilitate the Image Management industry in India. IMPA offers certifications to Image Consultants at 4 levels.