Shuchika Agarwal
Blast from the Past
After completing my BBA, I moved to Mumbai to pursue my master’s degree in advertising and communications from Xavier’s Institute of Communications (XIC). I worked for about 6 years in several reputed advertising agencies as a client servicing executive as well as a brand strategist. I tried my hands in Public relations as well but was still struggling to find my work life balance. I had a good job, decent pay cheque but still there was this void that needed to be filled, a constant need to break free and do something else. Something more.
I always believed in the saying ‘Do what you love, and you will never work a single day in your life”. While I liked what I did …I never found love moment with either advertising or PR
Then it all Changed
Circumstances brought me to Ahmedabad. I was newly back from Mumbai and used to its fast-paced lifestyle, I didn’t know what to do with my free time. And then I saw Image Consulting Business Institute’s advertisement in one of the leading newspaper. I initially went there to see if I can work with them in any capacity, because adult learning was nowhere in my agenda, but after talking to them and seeing the curriculum I got excited and realised that since communication has always been my forte probably being a trainer is the next best step. With this faith and belief, I joined ICBI.

And now after 5 solid years as a trainer and as a consultant there has not being one single day that I have regretted my decision. Every day is a new learning, everyday offers an opportunity to meet different people. But most importantly it gives me the choice to make a difference in someone’s life and that is an ultimate high for me.
Conquering New Horizons
I have had the opportunity to train people from different sectors – Retail, Hospitality, Education, and Social Media Agencies. I am closely associated with the Asopalav Group for training and grooming their staff. I have had the opportunity to train the top management of Regenta Central Antrim from the Royal Orchid Group. I am also associated with Arvind Lifestyle Brand Limited (ALBL) and train people from a wide spectrum of brands ranging from Nautica to Arrow.
Ahmedabad University, BBD Lucknow University, Gujarat Energy Development Agency(GEDA) are also my clients. Work life offers an interesting mix of fashion, styling and corporate training and finally I am living my “love your work and you won’t work a day” life every single day.
My #MoreThanAPayCheque moment
Honestly there have been several such moments but the realising moment for me was when I was training a group of school teachers for a reputed school in Ahmedabad on Personality Enhancement which included clothes power, personal appearance and spoken English. It was a 3 month programme and at the end of 3 months they presented me with several hand written thank you notes and told me how I have helped them in changing not only their professional but also their personal life. Now they are a lot more confident and happy with their own self. This is the ultimate gratitude that I have for my work and this is how I get to touch and possibly change several lives in a day!