Poornima Kotak | ICBI

Image Consulting Business Institute

It is one thing to get opportunities to learn something for yourself, but it is another thing to be able to share it with others. This is a blessing, an elevation in itself.

I had the opportunity to step on stage at the age of 3 and life kept giving me more opportunities in several forms to express myself and learn. I have always enjoyed the limelight, it is intoxicating and it pushes you to crave for more. When there were no opportunities, I created opportunities for myself, by getting together a group of friends and family and performing either a dance or enacting a mono-act for them. My life slowly started becoming a stage for me. I had my challenges – being born and brought up in Bangalore, I had a regional accent, my friends made fun of me and I faced rejection many times. The only way out was to learn and improve. I used ‘pretence’ as a tool, pretended to be a newsreader and read from the newspaper, spoke to myself in the mirror for hours and pretended to be many characters from both English and Hindi movies. I tried implementing several things like working on my vocabulary through word games, theatre workshops for presentation skills, etc.  I started getting better. This helped me learn one thing – nothing is impossible, you just have to try.

In my 20 years of corporate career, I have worked in various organizations across India in leadership positionshandled large teams, and trained people from various cultural backgrounds. One thing is common; people easily give up on their challenges! They feel that their limitations are permanent and cannot be worked upon, be it children, young adults, or adults.

In fact, I have seen highly successful and very senior people in the corporate industry fret when it comes to public speaking or project a powerful Image. The truth is that by using the right techniques and practice, it is definitely possible to overcome these limitations at any age or stage in life. I still do it.

Life has come a full circle for me, now I am a certified Image Consultant from Image Consulting Business Institute, India (ICBI). Employing Image concepts on myself, I have been able to refine my skills and talent, bring together all my experiences and have been able to elevate myself into a much higher dimension.  I have again got an opportunity – this time, to share my experience and learning with my clients, to help them to fight their inner-most fears and demons, to partner with them on enhancing their over- all Image. I work with Individual clients on one-to-one consulting and help organizations align their employees’ Image to the organization’s Image through trainings.

I started working with children on personality development a few years ago, using theatre as a medium. This is my quest to give today’s children similar opportunities that life gave me when I was growing. Now, I also work on helping them build a strong self Image.

When my life’s journey whizzes past my eyes, it feels good that today I specialize in offering Image-Transformation services to people in the senior-most levels of several organizations. I was once the KING in my job, now as an Image Consultant; I am a KING-MAKER.

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