Meghavi Vyas
Image oft proclaims the Man….wrote Shakespeare
We all have an image. All of us provoke an impression in the mind of others and ourselves as well. Image is the non verbal communication we do on a daily basis.
During the first few seconds, precisely just 3 seconds, of meeting somebody we are communicating a wealth of information about ourselves, whether its fact or not.
Our image influences our public perception. Image is you in the eyes of others and that is your identity. You are assessed and evaluated based on your image. Assessment automatically happens in seconds and the influence is life long.
“Right or wrong, the way a person looks is the only yardstick you have for measuring people”….says Erma Bombeck.
If your outer self, dress, grooming, body language is reflecting a false impression of who you truly are, then its time to make a change for BETTER!!!

IMAGE MANAGEMENT is exactly what is needed. It’s an ongoing pro-active process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance on you and others.
An Image Consultant transforms the outside to reflect the inside. Helps you project an Image that is harmonious.
The ability to shed one’s inhibitions and hesitancy while facing the world, be it at the work-place or socially, to present one’s self to others effortlessly, and in total comfort, would be the hallmark of all efforts by MEGA IMAGE CONSULTING.
Meghavi is a Civil Engineer and is a practicing Vastu Consultant since last 7 years. By using the elements of Vastu, one can bring warmth and happiness to family, similarly using the elements of Image Management one can project a confident image, thus bringing happiness to individual’s life.
Meghavi is a Certified Image Consultant from ICBI and is capable to conduct one to one consulting with individuals, and is also open to conduct workshops and seminars for groups and corporate, where in she will be guiding people on major elements of image like Clothing, Grooming, Body Language, Vocal Communication and Etiquette.
The complexities of projecting a desired image are suddenly simplified with the help of curriculum designed by Judith Rasband, one of the only eight Image Masters. So let us not leave it to chance but make a conscious effort to project the desired image.