Kalyani Kamble
“Not all those who wander are lost”
Years have been spent wandering on narrowed roads, unpaved paths, and dark tunnels thinking if someday they would lead me to where I wanted to be. The journey was nothing less than beautiful but the heart knew that it hadn’t found a home to dwell in just yet. And so, I kept looking, observing and learning. Mustering knowledge from all quarters possible and somewhere along the way I found what I was looking for.
With an MBA in Human Resources and a decade of training experience, I was pretty much set in what I was doing. However, if there was one thing that made me realise I wasn’t doing what I really wanted to do was when I would wake up feeling something was missing, that something has to change. The inclination to observe people around me, to see obvious potentials in individuals and they not even being aware of it, let alone using it optimally sent me into an upward spiral. Just around the time, I was introduced to a little something called Image consulting and its sheer concept had me hooked. It suddenly had me browsing through all the information available over the net, reading books and talking to people about it. I took time out from my already busy schedules to know more and the efforts made me more and more enthusiastic instead of tiring me. In those moments, I knew I struck gold.

To be naturally good at something is a boon, but unless time and energies are spent learning to get better, you only go so far.”
I knew Image Consulting was a concept, I was naturally inclined towards and so, I started exploring further. As it stands today, I have been trained and certified under various models of counseling – like Roberts Carkoffs, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, Transactional Analysis and Emotional Intelligence. In addition, I am also a certified NLP practitioner and have had the opportunity to conduct trainings for various corporate sectors. As it is said, it is never about the destination, but the journey. For me, I have and continue to enjoy every small step I am taking on my journey of Image Consulting. I have been introduced to hordes of individuals and gotten the chance to interact with them on levels that I couldn’t have imagined. To sit with them and hear them talk about their anxieties and fears, to feel their nervousness about the way they looked, to see the obvious lack of self-confidence has inspired me on various levels.
I knew almost instantly that I shared their fears and anxieties as well. Unless I made the effort to change and make those subtle ways with my way of being, I would never be able to help someone the way I wanted to. Thus, the process started of not working on myself or on anybody else, but by working in unison, to see change within me and within the individuals I began counseling. Soon enough, the results were out for me to see and it was surreal, to say the least. To have seen motivated souls walk out of consulting sessions only to return better, refined and confident was a reward that just can’t be put to words.
“We can only give to this world what we have in our kitties. If it means a pinch of positivity, a good first impression and a lasting powerful Image, then so be it.”