Jigna Shah
Blast from the Past
Coming from a humble middle-class Gujrati family, I was born and brought up in “City of Dreams”, Mumbai. I have a B Sc. In Human Development from Mumbai University. At that time, computers were “in fashion” so I finished my 2-year diploma in Software Engineering at Aptech. Since than I have been in software development field, but somewhere in my heart I knew that is not what I wanted to do.
I have always taken up mentoring and coaching roles. I have always been very conscious of the way I dress and groom for any occasion. I have always wanted to start my own business, so I dabbled into few businesses over the years like catering, software consulting, toys marketing and selling, but nothing gave me the satisfaction.
Then it all Changed
I still remember the day I saw the advertisement on TV about Image Consulting Business Institute and thought “what a perfect way to start something on my own!”

That day changed my life! While working at Microsoft, I completed my course at ICBI and since than there is no looking back. The experiential learning in the class from top notch instructors gave me a lot of insight and confidence that I can do this!
Leaving a cushy IT job with salary in seven figures, it was a challenge to start to from scratch. However, when I feel challenged, I get motivated by my motto “What does not kill you makes you stronger”. This turned out to be true even in this case, when I jumped in with my two feet and started on my own! Support from my family was of utmost important for this to be successful and I got the same.
Conquering New Horizons
Since the launch of my company “BrandU Image Consulting” in 2014, I have conducted numerous sessions in various schools and colleges and large companies. I have coached more than 500 business owners on my signature program “Power of Personal Branding”. I have coached more than 20 CEOs, VP, HR Head and business owners on how to improve their image.
The utmost satisfaction I feel is when I conduct an open workshop for my signature program “Power of Personal Branding” with more than 150 people in a room and they give me live feedback on how I have changed their thoughts and helped them achieve their goals!
I am proud of my many achievements, some of the most important ones being a trainer at ICBI and conducting Personal Branding Session at Microsoft. Having worked there for 6 years, I understand and connect well with the audience, and their informal dressing approach unlike most corporates. I have been able to guide them with the help of my Image Concepts and they have understood the importance of levels of dressing and enhancing their Image. They respect my logical and analytical thinking!
My #MoreThanAPayCheque moment
When one of my client – owner of a pest control company in Hyderabad sent a message “Thank you for coaching me and enhancing my skills to land me the deal of a lifetime!! A big thanks to your session and coaching I was able to close deal with Telangana Government and bagged a project in Telegana Railway Department worth crores.”
Such thank you notes from various clients, make me feel that I made the best decision taking up this career! The satisfaction to be able to make a difference in the life of an individual is paramount!!