Diana Swing
I was a Banking professional for the past 15 years, but always felt like a fish out of water. I longed to be in a profession where I could study, gain knowledge and information every day, and share and disseminate this information to others. I especially wanted to study and teach topics that pertained to optimizing one’s innate potential and equipped one with skills that were invaluable in the workplace and helped others to live a meaningful life.
I often used to see advertisements by ICBI and was tempted on many an occasion to call or visit them and find out more. However, something always held me back. Finally, I reached a point where I had to face up to the truth that I was in the wrong profession and that I had to be true to myself. It was now or never.
I joined ICBI in November 2017, and in April 2018, I had my first assignment! It was a project for a prestigious multinational bank, where I was required to coach their Relationship Managers on various soft skills that were required by them, as they were all dealing with High Net worth Individuals as their clients. I worked for a total of only 24 days over a 5-month period, and I was paid Rs. 2,00,000 (two lakhs) for this assignment, which was almost entirely the amount that I had paid for the Soft Skills Certification course!
I have not regretted my decision for a single moment since I started and taking this step has opened up so many avenues that I couldn’t even consider before.
In only a year’s time, my mind has expanded and opened to all the possibilities that stretch out in front of me. I continue to be delighted by the support and encouragement provided by the staff of ICBI, Pune. I am, and will always be, proud to be a member of the ICBI family!