Aishwarya Kawle
Image Consulting by far has been the best decision of my life. It has not only made me realize a lot of things about myself but also about other people around me. It has a holistic view of Image inside out. It gives me the flexibility not only to choose my clients, my working hours but also the content that I want to deliver.
Coming from a working class family and observing other family members in their job I knew that 9 to 5 job was not really me. That is when I got attracted to Image Consulting. I joined the business program offered by ICBI at the age of 19 when I was in second year of college. A lot of people told me that I was too young but my family believed in me and I went ahead.
Today I am probably the youngest certified Image Consultant in the world and that fills me with great pride. As soon as I got certified I started getting clients for individual consultation and personal shopping. I also started doing workshops jointly with some of my batch mates. I also conduct workshops on dining etiquette for children.
Today I see that almost every person realizes the need for bringing a positive change in their appearance and soft skills and the market is huge. I am also very happy that I took the decision at the right time as I feel that like every other profession, even here in a few years the competition will be huge and entry barriers will be much higher.

I am thankful to ICBI to bring out a program which only trains but also supports in setting up and successfully operating the consulting business. This has been a big boon for me as I doubt that without it I would be able to become a successful entrepreneur.
See Aishwarya talk about her journey as an Image Consultant