Certificate Program in Executive Presence and Personal Branding | ICBI

Certificate Program in Executive Presence And Personal Branding

Inspire people with your presence and make sure the impact lasts during your absence.

Program Duration

12 Online live sessions of 3 hours each

Program Faculty

Certified Image Consultants and Soft Skills Trainers from ICBI.

Program Certificate

Co-branded with Conselle Institute of Image Management, USA and Image Management Professionals’ Association

Program Fee

Program Fee INR 29,999 + GST Special fees for bulk enrollments

Image Consulting Business Institute, leading brand in the world in Image Management and Soft Skills Training space presents the most comprehensive “Certificate Program in Executive Presence and Personal Branding”.

What is Executive Presence?

In its simplest terms, executive presence is about your ability to inspire confidence — inspiring confidence in your subordinates that you’re the leader they want to follow, inspiring confidence among peers that you’re capable and reliable and, most importantly, inspiring confidence among senior leaders that you have the potential for great achievements.
Executive presence refers to the combination of qualities and characteristics that enable an individual to lead and inspire confidence in others. This includes physical demeanour, communication skills, personal brand, and overall professional image. It is the perception that one projects about their ability to lead and make decisions at a high level.

Importance of Executive Presence


Only one-third of employees believe their organization’s leader demonstrates the qualities of human leadership: authenticity, empathy, and adaptability.


Of what it takes to get promoted is “presene”
SOURCE: Center for Talent Innovation


Executive presence skills are ranked second in the top 20 leadership traits that make a difference.

Benefits of Executive Presence and Personal Branding

Create a commanding and professional Image, appear credible and charismatic, have greater impact and influence

Create a differentiated edge to close win-win business deals and negotiations more effectively

Attract higher remuneration and faster growth opportunities to the senior leadership positions

Develop incredible trust based relationships with clients, partners and co-workers

Project confidence that you can take control of difficult situations and make tough decisions

Create a thought leadership position among peers, clients and senior leaders from the industry/profession

Program Content

The program starts with an Executive Presence Assessment to figure out where you stand currently. After that the program deep dives in all the crucial elements of Executive Presence and Personal Branding. The content has been created under the acronym of PRESENCE as under:
Personal Branding – Unearth your personal brand and create your brand story
Resilience – Successfully adapt to challenging situations
Elegence – Project an impressive appearance and display perfect manners to get noticed and be remembered
Social Media Positioning – Create thought leadership position on social media with unique ways to influence and captivate your audience
Emotional Intelligence – Develop the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of those around you
Networking and Connections – Continuously expand your network and provide value to your network
Communication Skills – Communicate clearly and effectively to build strong relationships, inspire trust & cooperation, and to contribute to a more productive work environment
Exemplary Leadership – Lead others effectively by knowing the way, going the way and showing the way

Program Experience

Online Live Classes

Group Activities

Assignments and Exercises


Polls and Quizzes

Session Recordings

Start Building Your Executive Presence and Personal Brand Today!

12 Sessions of 3 Hours Each
One of the Most Exhaustive Programs in the World
Enroll for this program today and be on your way to create a strong Executive Presence and Personal Brand to be on the fast track for growth.
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